Tarquinius collatinus
Tarquinius collatinus

tarquinius collatinus tarquinius collatinus

Sharing the stage is a cast comprising Singapore’s star singers and international vocalists, including Teng Xiang Ting as Female Chorus, David Charles Tay as Male Chorus, Cindy Honanta as Bianca, Renata Hann Sungwon as Lucia, Igor Mostovoi as Tarquinius, Martin Ng as Junius, and David Tao Chen Ming as Collatinus. Mezzo-soprano Eugenia Forteza stars in the title role of this powerful story directed by Stefanos Rassios. Tragedy follows when he attacks Lucretia during the night, an act that shames her to the point of suicide, though Collatinus loves her no less than before. As Lucretia awaits her husband’s return, Tarquinius races to her home and deviously asks for a bed for the night, which he is granted. After conversing with Junius and Collatinus about the fickleness of women, Tarquinius is provoked to conquer what has remained out of his grasp: Lucretia, a woman of the highest virtue and wife of Collatinus. Deroux, (Collection Latomus, 338), Bruxelles 2012, p. In this story about ancient Rome, the tyrant Tarquinius has camped with his army outside the city. From the Tarquin Kingship to the Republic : Three Versions of the Graeco-Roman Historiography, in: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, vol. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, ultimul rege al Romei, fiind ocupat cu asediul cetii Ardea, a trimis pe fiul su, Sextus Tarquinius, într-o misiune militar în Collatia.Sextus a fost primit cu mare ospitalitate în casa guvernatorului, casa lui Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, fiul nepotului regelui, Arruns Tarquinius, fostul guvernator al Collatiei i primul dintre Tarquinii Collatini. Collatinus and the others were welcomed into the house, among them Sextus Tarquinius, son of the king. 14 and 16, 2022, at The Ngee Ann Kongsi Theater at Wild Rice, Funan. The Opera People will present the Singapore premiere of Benjamin Britten’s “The Rape of Lucretia” on Oct.

Tarquinius collatinus